Ving Tsun Kung Fu Training Regimen

Train hard. Fight easy.

Empty Hand Forms

Philipp Bayer and Wong Shun Leung

Siu Lim Tao 小念頭 (Little Idea Form)

This form consists of all the hand movements that are contained within the system, and is the catalyst for all the other forms. It is designed to give you the basic framework and idea for how certain motions are carried out. In addition to teaching good hand and arm technique this form also develops structure and elbow for punching.

Chum Kiu 尋橋 (Seeking the Bridge)

A form that consists of many of the hand movements learned in Siu Lim Tao, but with full body movements. It is designed to allow you to connect your body to the elbow and punching ability that you started developing from Siu Lim Tao. Step-and-hand synchronization, rapid torque rotation from the lower body, and conscious awareness of the relationship between all aspects of the motion are the highlights for this form. Develops elbow for punching and body for structural power.

Biu Jee 鏢指 (Darting Fingers)

A form that consists of many movements that do not reflect the first two forms at all. It is designed to teach you to cut your losses in the many situations where you cannot perform the ideal Ving Tsun movements. This teaches you to break the form so that you can either retreat to safety, or to regain your opportunity to perform Ving Tsun effectively once again.

Mok Yang Jong 木人樁 (Wooden Dummy)

The wooden dummy is an open hand form that is built around the iconic training tool. The tool provides an opportunity to synchronize your training from all the forms with physical feedback and relative reference to movements.

Kevin Teaching

Core Drills

Our core drills consist of Chi Sao (Poon Sao), Lap Sao and Gor Sao. These drills will give the practitioner the opportunity to put into practice skills which are essential to the development of proper body mechanics, technique, speed, efficiency and force generation. These drills are practised methodically at first through Lap Sao and Chi Sao. Once experienced enough the student will engage in Gor Sao to test the skills against live energy.

Single Hand Chi Sao 單黐手 (Dan Chi 單黐)

Single Hand Chi Sau trains the elbow for the punch and trains the elbow for changes from punching, while learning to never collapse the arm and to maintain a constant line of attack without retraction of the arm. This is a precursor to Chi Sau.

Chi Sao 黐手 (Force or Energy Exchange)

At this point we should address the elephant in the room. “Chi” as translated, often means “Sticky” but in some translations can mean “Energy”. It is important to grasp the purpose of Chi Sao rather then to what it translates to. Many often confuse the point of this drill to mean to stick to the partners hands, this is foolish and will only lead to “chasing hands” rather then the point of Ving Tsun, which is to hit your opponent. It is very easy to mislead the hands and we should not get caught up in what the hands are doing.

Chi Sao is a partner drill designed to help train the punch or more importantly, the elbow. It is a platform for changing hand positions without the need for retraction or collapsing the elbow. This idea keeps the hands close to the target, ready to strike when an opening presents itself.

Lap Sao 拉手 (Collecting Hand)

A drill that trains the simultaneous cycling of the hands from punching to neutral. Trains the punch like all other drills in the system and provides much less contact and anticipation than Chi Sau. Also serves as a platform for many other drills.

Gor Sao 過手 (Sparring)

Gor Sau is free form training that is a result from proficiency in the other forms and drills of the system. Puts all training into a controlled parameter for fighting. Although free form, the goal of Gor Sau is to keep movements clean. While not a game, there are times in Gor Sau where one should stop and reassess what needs to be worked on.

Isolation Drills

Isolation drills are designed to teach the beginner and intermediate student specific techniques in a safe and methodical way. Ving Tsun drills are counter intuitive and require slow and precise training to properly engrain into the neuro muscular system. Through repetition of these movements, the student will gain confidence and speed in his or her ability, to perform these techniques while engaged in the core drills.

Weapon Forms


Dragon Pole 六點半棍 (6 and a Half Point Long Pole)

This weapon was added to Wing Chun around the time of Wong Wa Bo and Leung Yee Tai. The pole measures 9.5 feet on average and trains aspects of fighting such as strengthening the punch and syncronyzing arms and legs for explosive power generation.

Butterfly Swords 八斬刀 (Blade of 8 Cuts)

This weapon is approximately half the size of a regular sword and comes in a set of two. Traditionally taught to improve coordination and movement with emphasis on footwork. Syncronization of arms and legs are further honed.

Next: Ving Tsun History and Origins